About Chanie Kolodny ע"ה

Chanie was…  

Chanie was a Reader.  

Chanie was a Learner.  

Chanie was a Questioner.  

Chanie was a Precious Gem
taken from us just as her life
was about to begin.  

Anyone who ever knew Chanie ע"ה is aware
that her thirst for knowledge could never be
quenched. She wouldn't let her teacher, class,
or anyone else for that matter, rest until she was satisfied that her questions were answered. She was curious about anything and everything.

Chanie ע"ה was a girl with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. 

We have, therefore, with Hashem’s help and the partnership of our supporters, created a library in memory of Chanie ע"ה in Golders Green, Northwest London, England; where her sister and brother-in-law (Bracha and Shmuel Hackner) live. The library affords the community with the opportunity to learn, just as Chanie ע"ה sought to do.

And amidst the tears that trace their way down a now familiar route on the faces of her heartbroken family, there is a moment of consolation for us when we consider that each time someone borrows a book from this library and learns something new, it is לעיליו נשמת חנה ע"ה בת יבלח"ט ר' יוסף שיחי'ו, our beloved Chanie ע"ה, and her precious soul continues to touch others. This is her זכות, an appropriate tribute to her lifelong quest for knowledge and a blessing for her beautiful נשמה.

We are grateful for every contribution and are thankful to you for your continued support. In reference to one who lends books to others, the גמרא in כתובות teaches:

הון ועשר בביתו וצדקתו עומדת לעד

Wealth and riches will come into his home and his
  righteousness will endure forever.

In addition, it is well know that:

גדולה צדקה שמקרבת את הגאולה

"Great is charity
 for it hastens the redemption”.

We have no doubt that Chanie ע"ה is right there by Hashem’s Holy Throne, using her persistence to beseech Him with all her might to finally end this unbearable גלות and bring us the day when “ומחה ה' א' דמעה מעל כל פנים” - Hashem Elokim will wipe away tears from all faces, and when “הקיצו ורננו שוכני עפר” those who rest in the dust shall again rise and sing once more.

May it happen now, אמן.

Thank you,
Chanie’s Family