
We thank all who have donated to the library and helped us to get this far. We hope with your continued assistance to further improve and enhance the service we provide to the community. 

Thank you for your support!

“גדולה צדקה שמקרבת את הגאולה” - “Great is charity for it hastens the redemption”.

Donate Books

Do you live in London? Do you have doubles of books in your house? Are you running out of room for all your books? Have your children outgrown those beloved favourites that you'd like others to benefit from? Why not donate your Jewish books to the library and let the whole community will benefit from it.

Contact us for more info.

Become a Partner

£18 ($25 USD)Sponsor a Book
£36 ($50 USD)Sponsor a Large Format Book
£60-£100 ($90-$150)Sponsor a Set of Books
£50 ($75) monthlySponsor New Books as they are printed 

Become an regular supporter by helping us with our ongoing costs of bookcases, book covers and other maintenance costs, by setting up a weekly or monthly standing order.

Please contact us for a standing order form to fill out. 

We welcome any gift you are willing to contribute and your donation is sincerely appreciated. Many of our donors are only able to contribute a nominal sum each month, yet together, their kindness amounts to a meaningful sum in support of our Library.

Thank you all so much!