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Marriage &/ Family Life; Parenting/ Chinuch ; Teacher Resources; Torah Studies; TaNaCh; Chassidus; Moshiach; Fiction; History- large comprehensive section; Biography- large comprehensive section; For Tough Times (books on aveilus, bereavement and remembrance; illness- such as anorexia, depression, etc.; abuse; infertility; teens at risk; etc.); Holocaust- large comprehensive section; Halacha; Short Stories; Youth; Self - Help/ Inspiration- large comprehensive section; The Jewish Woman; Parsha- large comprehensive section; Children’s- large comprehensive section; Prayer; Emunah; Shabbos and Yom Tov, plus more… 

Catalog of Books

1FictionGita GordonMystery In the Amazon
2YouthGershon WinklerSecret of Sambatyon, The
3FictionAvner GoldTwilight
4FictionRuth Arieli RapaportHarp Strings
5FictionAvraham TzuriEdge of Darkness, The
6FictionEva VogielHidden Diamonds
7FictionMeir Uri GottesmanMorning Star, The
8FictionRuti TanenoldSerina
9FictionSarah KisnerWith This Ring
10FictionYakov M. HirschsonComplex Mission
11FictionMiriam Stark ZakonCohens of Tzefat, The
12FicitionLena SpitzerMy Rock and My Redeemer
13FictionSudy RosengartenAmerican Saga, An
14FictionMayer BendetTrue Identity
15FictionRoy S. Neuberger2020 Vision
16FictionRephael SackvillePrince of Akko
17FictionAllison CohenScattered Pieces
18FictionDevora WeinerEscape to Reallity
19FictionChaim EliavMissiion, The
20FictionTzvi WhiteMidnight Jewels
21FictionRuth BenjaminStranger to Her People
22FictionRuthie PearlmanGetting It Right
23FictionDevora WeinerHearts of Gold 2
24FictionMeir Uri GottesmanMorning Star, The
25FictionChaim EliavMissiion, The
26FictionM. BassaraSun Inside Rain
27FictionMenachem KaganPromise Fullfilled, A
28FictionBracha GoykadoshFootprints In the Sand
29FictionChaim EliavEnvelope, The
30FictionSender ZeyvAleph Shin
31FictionDavid SussmanAlter Ego
32FictionShoshana SchwartzIn Full Bloom
33FictionYair WeinstockBlackout
34FictionYair WeinstockDual Allegiance
35FictionLibi AstaireTerra Incognita
36FictionUri RaskinScribe, The
37FictionLibby LazewinkSearch for Miri, The
38FictionDeborah GuttentagSaving Soraya
39FictionRena SchiffMy Special Brother
40FictionChaim EliavMissiion, The
41FictionChaim EliavEnvelope, The
42FictionChaim EliavRunaway, The
43FictionYair WeinstockEye of the Storm
44FictionChaim EliavIn the Spider's Web
45FictionYair WeinstockEye of the Storm
46FictionMiriam KosmanFamily for A While
47MarriageSara WiederblankJust Between Friends
48MarriageRiva PomerantzGreen Fences
49MarriageTehila AbramovSecret of Jewish Femininity, The
50MarriageTehila AbramovSecret of Jewish Femininity, The
51MarriageTehilla and Yirmiyohu AbramovTwo Halves of A Whole
52MarriageTehilla and Yirmiyohu AbramovOur Family, Our Strength
53MarriageTzvi FreemanMen, Women and Kabala
54MarriageMiriam AdahanFamily Connection, The
55MarriageChana LevitanI Only Want to Get Married Once
56MarriageMoshe TendlerPardes Rimonim
57MarriageMeir WiklerBayis Ne'eman B'yisrael
58ShidduchimYisroel Pesach FeinhandlerFinding Your Spouse In 30 Days
59MarriageRosie Einhorn and Sherry ZimmermanIn the Beginning
60ShidduchimEstee StimlerFrum Rules, The
61ShidduchimEstee StimlerFrum Rules, The
62ShidduchimAryeh KaplanMade In Heaven
63ShidduchimTamar AnshSplitting the Sea
64MarriageMeir Wikler10 Minutes A Day to A Better Marriage
65MarriageRivkah SlonimTotal Immersion
66MarriageAbraham J. TwerskiIn Laws It's All Relative
67MarriageMeir Wikler10 Minutes A Day to A Better Marriage
68MarriageS. SimonPeace In Your Palace
69MarriageFishel JacobsFamily Purity Study Guide for Choson and Kallah
70MarriageZe'ev RittermanMikveh the Foundation of A Successful Jewish Home
71MarriageNisson WolpinShidduchim Shalom Bayis and Beyond
72MarriageRaphael AronSprituality and Intimacy
73MarriageEliezer MedwedTogether We Are One
74MarriageSholom B. WinebergEternal Joy Vol. 1 Shidduchim
75MarriageEliyohu GoldschmidtDear Son
76MarriageEliyohu GoldschmidtDear Daughter
77MarriageSorah ShapiroWhither Thou Goest
78Tough TimesChaya HertzbergBoys In Cabin Number 3, The
79Tough TimesRiva PomerantzBreaking Point
80Tough TimesRuthie PearlmanAgainst the Wall
81Tough TimesRuthie PearlmanAgainst the Wall
82Tough TimesAbraham J. TwerskiShame Borne In Silence, The
83Tough TimesMiriam AdahanSticks and Stones
84Tough TimesDovid GoldwasserStarving to Live
85Tough TimesDovid GoldwasserStarving to Live
86Tough TimesAbraham J. TwerskiGetting Up When You're Down
87Tough TimesAbraham J. TwerskiGetting Up When You're Down
88Tough TimesShoshana KaganWaves of Blue
89Tough TimesRosally SaltsmanSoul Journey
90Tough TimesYamin LevyConfronting the Loss of A Baby
91Tough TimesBaruch and Michal FinkelsteinThird Key, The
92Tough TimesShoshana RubeForever With Me
93Tough TimesNeal C. Goldberg, Miriam LiebermanSaying Goodbye
94Tough TimesYitzchak VorstWhy?
95Tough TimesTzvi HebelNeshamah Should Have an Aliyah, The
96Tough TimesZeev GreenwaldConsoling Thought, A
97Tough TimesMeir MunkSearching for Comfort
98Tough TimesYitzchok KirznerMaking Sense of Suffering
99Tough TimesGedalia ZweigLiving Kaddish
100Tough TimesJudy BelskyThread of Blue
101Tough TimesRebecca Bram FeldbaumIf There's Anything I Can Do
102Tough TimesZalman GoldstienJewish Mourner's Companion, The
103Tough TimesElaine HotterMy Brother Was...
104Tough TimesBaruch and Michal FinkelsteinDelivery from Darkness
105Tough TimesMaurice LammJewish Way In Death and Mourning, The
106Tough TimesMaurice LammJewish Way In Death and Mourning, The
107Tough TimesChaim Binyamin GoldbergMourning In Halachah
108Tough TimesChaim Binyamin GoldbergMourning In Halachah
109Tough TimesMinhagei Yartzheit Chabad
110Tough TimesToras Menachem Menachem Tzion Chelek Bais
111Tough TimesToras Menachem Menachem Tzion Chelek Aleph
112Tough TimesR' Moshe AlshichIyyov A Celestial Challenge Vol. 1
113Tough TimesR' Moshe AlshichIyyov A Celestial Challenge Vol. 2
114Tough TimesTziporah HellerLet's Face It! The 8 Essential Challenges of Living
115Tough TimesSorah ShapiroCity on Fire
116Tough TimesSorah ShapiroCity on Fire
117Tough TimesYaffa FarbstienTriangle of Despair Circle of Hope
118Tough TimesSima Devorah SchlossTaking Care of Mom, Taking Care of Me
119Tough TimesTzvi G. SchurIllness and Crisis - Coping the Jewish Way
120Tough TimesShaindy PerlMy Life on Wheels
121Tough TimesSeryl SanderTimes of Challenge
122Tough TimesMalky FeigMountain Climbers
123Tough TimesEsther JungreisLife Is A Test
124EmunahEliezer ParkoffTrust Me!
125FictionMiri SonnenfeldDollhouse
126Tough TimesMindy GrossHow Long the Night?
127EmunahLee SpetnerNot by Chance!
128EmunahShmuel WaldmanBeyond A Resonable Doubt
129EmunahYou Can Learn Bitachon
130EmunahAaron ZakaiHeaven Sent
131EmunahAaron ZakaiHeaven Sent
132EmunahLawrence KelemenPermission to Believe
133MoshiachDovid Yisroel Ber KaufmannReflections of Redemption
134MoshiachRabbi Moshe Chaim LuzzatoSecrets of the Future Temple
135MoshiachEliyahu TougerFrom Dawn to Daylight
136MoshiachEliyahu TougerI Await His Coming Every Day
137MoshiachMalka TougerLet's Get Ready
138MoshiachMoshe MillerChofetz Chaim on Awaiting Moshiach, The
139MoshiachNissan Dovid DubovTo Live and Live Again
140MoshiachEliyahu TougerAs A New Day Breaks
141Parenting/chinuchRachel RosemarinRaisins and Almonds
142Parenting/ ChinuchMoshe GoldbergerUltimate Win/win, The
143Parenting/ ChinuchRosally SaltsmanParenting by the Book
144Parenting/ ChinuchMiriam LevyEffective Jewish Parenting
145Parenting/ ChinuchMiriam LevyEffective Jewish Parenting
146Parenting/ ChinuchMiriam LevyEffective Jewish Parenting
147Parenting/ ChinuchSarah Chana RadcliffeDelicate Balance, The
148Parenting/ ChinuchRachel SchmidtLove Is Not Enough
149Parenting/ ChinuchAbraham J. TwerskiPositive Parenting
150Parenting/ ChinuchYakov HorowitzLiving and Parenting
151Parenting/ ChinuchNoach OrlowekRaising Roses Among the Thorns
152PregnancyMarilyn TokayerCreated In Wisdom
153PregnancyBaruch and Michal FinkelsteinB'sha'ah Tovah
154PregnancyChana (Jenny) WeisbergExpecting Miracles
155The Jewish WomanUri KaplounParnter In the Dynamic of Creation, A
156The Jewish WomanJulie HauserMothers to Mothers
157The Jewish WomanPesach Eliyahu FalkOz V'hadar Levusha - Modesty, An Adornment for Life, The Tznius Handbook
158The Jewish WomanNechoma GreismanThrough the Eyes of A Woman
159The Jewish WomanNechoma Greisman Anthology, The
160The Jewish WomanShoshana LeponNo Greater Treasure
161The Jewish WomanShoshana LeponNo Greater Treasure
162The Jewish WomanShoshana LeponNo Greater Treasure
163The Jewish WomanRivka ZakutinskyFinding the Woman of Valor
164FictionAvner GoldImposter, The
165FictionShoshana SchwartzCaptive Soul
166FictionGershon WinklerSacred Stones, The
167FictionNaomi ZwebnerDouble Check
168FictionYair WeinstockTime Bomb
169FictionYair WeinstockBorrowed Time
170FictionBracha GoykadoshFootprints In the Sand
171FictionDavid KaufmannSilent Witness, The
172FictionChaim EliavRunaway, The
173FictionSarah BirnhackFamily Secrets
174FictionEsther HellerLost Daughter, The
175FictionRachel PomerantzCrossing the Divide
176FictionEli ShekhterMost Wanted List, The
177FictionEli ShekhterPlan B
178FictionRuth BenjaminSelby Printout, The
179FictionSarah SchleimerFar from the Place We Call Home
180FictionChaim GreenbaumWill, The
181FictionEsther HellerLost Daughter, The
182FictionMayer BendetDouble Identity
183FictionRachel SchorrAutumn Rain
184FictionRuth BenjaminStranger to Her People
185FictionRachel SchorrInterrupted Journey
186FictionLibby LazewinkJudge, The
187FictionDov HallerPromising Past, A
188FictionEsther RapaportDiamond In the Rough
189FictionSarah KisnerHidden In the Deep
190FictionGita GordonFlash Back
191FictionRachel SchmidtRose Among Thorns
192FictionM.C. MillmanAmen Allowed
193FictionRachel SchorrShadows and Light
194FictionDeborah GuttentagIn the Dark
195FictionDevora WeinerHearts of Gold 2
196FictionLeah FriedmanNothing but the Truth
197FictionRaphael SackvilleLegacy of Gold
198FictionChaim EliavEnvelope, The
199FictionHenye MeyerExiles of Crocodile Island, The
200FictionRachel SchorrInterrupted Journey
201FictionDavid KaufmannSilent Witness, The
202The Jewish WomanAvraham ErlangerShe Shall Be Praised
203The Jewish WomanAvraham ErlangerShe Shall Be Praised
204The Jewish WomanHolly PavlovMirrors of Our Lives
205The Jewish WomanHolly PavlovMirrors of Our Lives
206The Jewish WomanDevora RubinDaughters of Destiny
207The Jewish WomanDevora RubinDaughters of Destiny
208The Jewish WomanSarah ShapiroGrowing With My Children
209The Jewish WomanReturn to Roots
210Teacher's ResourcesYitzchak FeigenbaumUnderstanding the Talmud
211Teacher's ResourcesShoshana MermelsteinArts and Crafts Around the Jewish Calender Vol.1 Tishrei - Shevat
212Teacher's ResourcesYaffa GanzJewish Fact Finder, The
213Teacher's ResourcesJanette MooreThree Weeks Students' Workbook, The
214Teacher's ResourcesJudith GrunfeldShefford
215Teacher's ResourcesRuchoma ShainReaching for the Stars
216Teacher's ResourcesElaine RubinoffArt of Teaching, The
217Teacher's ResourcesDavid BernstienApples of Gold
218Teacher's ResourcesDavid BernstienApples of Gold
219Teacher's ResourcesNoach OrlowekMy Disciple, My Child
220Teacher's ResourcesNoach OrlowekRaising Roses Among the Thorns
221Teacher's ResourcesVivian Sokal MillerPerfect Life, The
222Teacher's ResourcesEli Brunner1,001 Questions and Answers Vol. 1
223Teacher's ResourcesOfficial Brachah Bee Booklet, The
224Teacher's ResourcesOfficial Brachah Bee Booklet, The
225Teacher's ResourcesMeir Zvi BergmanGateway to the Talmud
226Teacher's ResourcesEli Brunner1,001 Questions and Answers Vol. 1
227Teacher's ResourcesEli Brunner1,001 Questions and Answers Vol. 3
228Teacher's ResourcesLuba UveelerHa - Yesod, Fundamentals of Hebrew
229Teacher's ResourcesYitzchak CoopersmithEye of A Needle, The
230Teacher's ResourcesHaim PerlmutterGrow With Gemara
231Teacher's ResourcesRabbi Mordechai HodakovEducator's Handbook, The
232HolocaustRosalie LametAlpine Oasis, The
233HolocaustRosalie LametCity of Diamonds
234HolocaustRosalie LametCity of Diamonds
235HolocaustSarah WahrmanHope Never Dies
236HolocaustShmuel BursteinWar Against G-D and His People, The
237HolocaustLea Fuchs ChayenFrom the Depths I Call
238HolocaustLea Fuchs ChayenFrom the Depths I Call
239HolocaustIsrael I. CohenDestined to Survive
240HolocaustRachel PomerantzWings Above the Flames
241HolocaustNachman SeltzerChild of War
242HolocaustMoshe PragerSparks of Glory
243HolocaustEzriel TauberDarkness Before Dawn
244HolocaustMiriam CohenBehind the Walls
245HolocaustMiriam CohenBehind the Walls
246HolocaustMargot DzialoszynskiLiving Miracle, The
247HolocaustChaim Shlomo FriedmanDare to Survive
248HolocaustDuvid WerdygerSongs of Hope
249HolocaustShlomo WahrmanLest We Forget
250HolocaustShlomo WahrmanLest We Forget
251HolocaustGoldhagen,DHitler's Willing Executioners
252Holocaust60 Days for 60 Years, Remember the Past to Build the Future
253HolocaustYitta Halberstam and Judith LeventhalSmall Miracles of the Holocaust
254HolocaustYaffa EliachHasidic Tales of the Holocaust
255HolocaustAllan ZulloSurvivors
256HolocaustAbells, ChanaChildren We Remember
257HolocaustSimcha Bunem UnsdorferYellow Star, The
258HolocaustAbraham FuchsUnheeded Cry, The
259HolocaustAbraham FuchsUnheeded Cry, The
260HolocaustShlomo Zalman LehrerVanished City of Tsanz, The
261HolocaustShlomo Zalman LehrerVanished City of Tsanz, The
262HolocaustYad Vashem
263HolocaustHillel SeidmanWarsaw Ghetto Diaries, The
264HolocaustMartin GilbertBoys, The
265HolocaustRachel PomerantzWings Above the Flames
266HolocaustGutta StenbuchGutta: Memories of A Vanished World
267HolocaustRomi CohnYoungest Partisan, The
268HolocaustJoesph FriedensonHeroine of Rescue
269HolocaustA.N. OppenheimChosen People, The
270HolocaustHolocaust and Genocide Studies
271HolocaustSolly KaplinskiLost and Found
272HolocaustJoesph FriedensonDateline: Istanbul
273HolocaustJoesph FriedensonDateline: Istanbul
274HolocaustSimon ZukerUnconquerable Spirit, The
275HolocaustPearl BenischTo Vanquish the Dragon
276HolocaustDov B. LedermanThese Children Are Mine
277HolocaustJudith GrunfeldShefford
278HolocaustLeah KaufmanLive! Remember! Tell the World!
279HolocaustHolocaust, The
280Parenting/ ChinuchMiriam AdahanRaising Children to Care
281Parenting/ ChinuchRabbi Yitzchak AbohavMenoras Hamaor - The Jewish Child
282Jewish WomanYisroel MillerIn Search of the Jewish Woman
283Marriage and Family LifeAvraham Peretz FriedmanTable for Two
284Marriage and Family LifeHarmony of the Seasons
285Tough TimesSeryl SanderVistas of Challenge
286Marriage and Family LifeZe'ev RittermanHappy Home, A
287Teacher's ResourcesMenchem Moshe OppenKorban Mincha, A Pictorial Guide, The
288Teacher's ResourcesMenchem Moshe OppenKorban Olah, A Pictorial Guide, The
289Teacher's ResourcesTova MordechaiLamdeni, My Alef Bet Book
290Teacher's ResourcesNissan MindelWho What When Where
291FictionMeir Uri GottesmanHarp, The
292BiographyYishai ChasidahEishei Hatanach - Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities
293BiographyPearl BenischCarry Me In Your Heart
294HistoryShmuel ArgamanCaptivity of the Maharam, The
295HistoryAvigdor MillerBehold A People
296HolocaustDavid KranzlerTo Save A World
297HolocaustDavid KranzlerTo Save A World
298HistoryE.Y. Hertzman and C.U. LipschitzEscape to Shanghai
299HistoryN.Z. GottliebIn the Shadow of the Kremlin
300HistoryChana MantelLidingo
301HistoryYitzchak AlfasiJewish Glimpses of Warsaw
302HistoryYitzchak AlfasiJewish Glimpses of Frankfurt
303HistoryYaffa GanzSand and Stars Vol. I
304HistoryYaffa GanzSand and Stars Vol. II
305HistoryNachman ZakonJewish Experiance: 2,000 Years, The
306HistoryYosef DeutschLet My Nation Go
307HistoryYosef DeutschLet My Nation Live
308HistoryYosef DeutschLet My Nation Serve Me
309HistoryZelig GleicherWe the People
310HistoryHersh GoldwurmEarly Acharonim, The
311HistoryMoshe BogomilskyHei Teves Didan Notzach, The Victory of the Seforim
312HistoryNissan MindelLubavitcher Rebbe's Memoirs, Sefer Zechronos Vol. 1
313HistoryNissan MindelLubavitcher Rebbe's Memoirs, Sefer Zechronos Vol. 2
314HistoryS. WeingartenNoda Biyehudah, The Story of Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, The
315HistoryChaim SchapiroOnce Upon A Shtetl
316HistoryYaakov Yosef ReinmanDestiny
317HistoryMordechai KatzYesterday Today and Forever Vol. I
318HistoryMordechai KatzYesterday Today and Forever Vol. II
319HistoryYosef Ben AmramPartners In Eternity
320HistoryR.L. LeaderFaithful Soldiers
321HistoryYisroel EhrentreuRemember the Days of Old
322HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. I
323HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. II
324HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. III, Book 5
325HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. IV, Book 7
326HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. V, Book 8
327HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. VI
328HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. III, Book 5-6
329HistoryJacob IsaacsOur People Vol. II, Book 3-4
330BiographyJoesph FoxRabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
331BiographyHerman BranoverReturn
332biographyYaakov Dovid ShulmanPathway to Jerusalem
333BiographyAvraham SchwartzbaumBamboo Cradle, The
334BiographyMoishe MendlowitzJust One Jew
335BiographyAvraham Yaakov FinkelPressburg Under Siege
336BiographyAvishai StockhamerDon Yosef Nasi
337BiographyI. FrenkelMen of Distiction
338BiographySimcha RazTzaddik In Our Time, A
339BiographySimcha RazTzaddik In Our Time, A
340BiographyAvraham SchwartzbaumBamboo Cradle, The
341BiographySelig SchachnowitzAvraham Ben Avraham
342BiographySelig SchachnowitzAvraham Ben Avraham
343BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonAlter Rebbe, Rabbi Scheur Zalman of Liadi, The
344BiographyA.Y. BrombergSanzer Rav and His Dynasty, The
345BiographyA.Y. BrombergSanzer Rav and His Dynasty, The
346BiographyAgi L. BauerBlack Becomes A Rainbow
347BiographyTzira KarlenstienReb Aryeh
348BiographyTzira KarlenstienReb Aryeh
349BiographyHanoch TellerSunset
350BiographyHanoch TellerAnd from Jerusalem, His Word
351BiographyYerachmiel TilesMother In Israel, A
352BiographyNaftali Hertz EhrmannRav, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady, The
353BiographyNaftali Hertz EhrmannRav, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady, The
354BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonMitteler Rebbe, Rabbi Dovber of Lubavitch The
355BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonReb Shmuel Munkis
356BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonReb Shmuel Munkis
357BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonReb Meir Raphaels
358BiographySholom Dovber AvtzonReb Meir Raphaels
359BiographyJudaeus - Naftali Hertz EhrmannBaal Shem of Michelstadt, The
360BiographyMarcus LehmannRabbi Joselman of Rosheim, Vol 1
361BiographyHis Journey Towards Eternity
362BiographyReuven GrossmanRav Chaim Shmulevitz
363BiographyYaakov M. RapoportLight from Dvinsk, The
364BiographyJ.H. SinasonSaba Marches on
365BiographyDovid SilberNoble Lives Noble Deeds
366BiographyDovid SilberNoble Lives Noble Deeds, Book Two
367BiographyDovid SilberNoble Lives Noble Deeds, Book Three
368BiographyNisson WolpinTorah Luminaries
369BiographyOsher Chaim LevenePeople of the Book, The
370BiographyRuchoma ShainAll for the Boss
371biographyYaakov Dovid ShulmanRema, The
372BiographyShlomo Zalman SonnenfeldGuardian of Jerusalem
373BiographyShlomo Zalman SonnenfeldGuardian of Jerusalem
374BiographyYaakov Dovid ShulmanReb Yisroel Salanter
375BiographyMashgiach, The
376BiographyVoice of Truth
377BiographyGedaliah FleerAgainst All Odds
378BiographyAharon SuraskyGiants of Jewry, Vol. II
379BiographyAyalah RottenbergEchoes of Yesteryear
380BiographyYehuda AzoulayLegacy of Leaders, A
381BiographyShimon FinkelmanStory of R' Elchonon, The
382Inspiration/ Sef- HelpAkiva TatzLiving Inspired
383Inspiration/ Sef- HelpAkiva TatzLiving Inspired
384Inspiration/ Self- HelpHanoch TellerGive Peace A Stance
385Inspiration/ Self- HelpEsther JungreisCommited Life, The
386Inspiration/ Self- HelpEsther JungreisCommited Life, The
387Inspiration/ Self- HelpSimon JacobsonToward A Meaningful Life
388Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiDearer Than Life
389Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiGeneration to Generation
390Inspiration/ Self- HelpAvraham BaharanTwo - Way Channel, The
391Inspiration/ Self- HelpYiroel RollStep Up to the Plate
392Inspiration/ Self- HelpYiroel RollWhen the Going Gets Tough
393Inspiration/ Self- HelpJudith MishellBeyond Your Ego
394Inspiration/ Self- HelpJudith MishellBeyond Your Ego
395Inspiration/ Self- HelpEzriel TauberSelf - Esteem
396Inspiration/ Self- HelpYissocher FrandListen to Your Messages
397Inspiration/ Self- HelpAvi ShulmanMaking Little Things Count and Big Things Better
398Inspiration/ Self- HelpMoshe GansSuccess!
399Inspiration/ Self- HelpSarah Chana RadcliffeSmooth Sailing
400Inspiration/ Self- HelpAlexander Aryeh MandelbaumSimchah, The Spark of Life
401Inspiration/ Self- HelpPesach and Chana BurstonChicken Soup to Warm the Neshama
402Inspiration/ Self- HelpGila FederLetters to A Friend
403Inspiration/ Self- HelpGila FederLetters to A Friend
404Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinHappiness
405Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinHappiness
406Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinTaking Action
407Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinSerenity
408Inspiration/ Self- HelpMoshe GoldbergerGood Job!
409Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiIts Not as Tough as You Think
410Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiIts Not as Tough as You Think
411Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiIts Not as Tough at Home as You Think
412Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiTen Steps to Being Your Best
413Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiLet Us Make Man
414Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiLet Us Make Man
415Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiSmiling Each Day
416Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiLiving Each Day
417Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiLiving Each Day
418Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiAngels Don't Leave Footprints
419Inspiration/ Self- HelpAbraham J. TwerskiAngels Don't Leave Footprints
420Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinAnger, The Inner Teacher
421Inspiration/ Self- HelpZelig PilskinMy Father My King
422Inspiration/ Self- HelpMiriam AdahanIt's All A Gift
423Inspiration/ Self- HelpMiriam AdahanAwareness
424Inspiration/ Self- HelpMiriam AdahanEmett - Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah
425Inspiration/ Self- HelpCall to Live, A
426Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchStories of Tzaddikim
427Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchStories of Tzaddikim
428Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchSiddur That Saved A Life, The
429Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchChildren of the Mysterious House
430Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchPower of Psalms, The
431Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchWagoner Who Became Wealthy, The
432Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchFaithful Watchman, The
433Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchG-D's Salvation In the Blink of an Eye
434Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchPort That Observed Shabbos, The
435Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchMice's Meal, The
436Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchGeneral That Was Sent from Heaven, The
437Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchMirror of Riches, The
438Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchBlessing That Brought Wealth, The
439Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchBlessing of A Tailor, The
440BiographyTessler, GloriaAmelie
441BiographyGil LocksComing Back to Earth
442Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchTreasure In the Honey Jar, The
443Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchRansom, The
444Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchPower of Psalms, The
445Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchBoy In Prison, A
446Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchBoy In Prison, A
447Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchTorn Coat, The
448Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchLivelihood from Heaven, A
449Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchGift from Heaven, A
450Chldren'sOrphan's Prayer, An
451Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchRabbi Chiya's Great Deeds
452Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchTorah Is Our Life, The
453Children's Ages 7-10Bracha KnoblovitchMystery of the Disappearing Fish, The
454Children's Ages 7-10Ts RosenbergYosef Mokir Shabbos
455Children's Ages 7-10Ts RosenbergYosef Mokir Shabbos
456Children's Ages 7-10Ts RosenbergYosef Mokir Shabbos
457ChildrensChaya Leah RothsteinMentchkins Make Shabbos, The
458ChildrensSheindel WeinbachShimmee and the Taste - Me Tree
459ChildrensChaiky HalpernHamantash That Ran Away, The
460ChildrensJudith Benoliel BelskyTova and Esty
461ChildrensJudith Benoliel BelskyTova and Esty
462Children'sJudith Benoliel BelskyTova and Esty's Purim Surprise
463ChildrensChaiky HalpernDangerous Dreidel Ride, The
464ChildrensChaiky HalpernDangerous Dreidel Ride, The
465ChildrensChaiky HalpernDangerous Dreidel Ride, The
466ChildrensJudith Benoliel BelskyTwo Brothers
467ChildrensJudith Benoliel BelskyTwo Brothers
468Children'sY. HopkovitzShemot - The Slavery In Egypt
469Children'sY. HopkovitzGiving Tzedakah Made Him Rich
470Children'sYocheved SachsSmall House In Jerusalem, A
471Children's Ages 8-11Yona WeinbergMomo's Storm
472Children's Ages 8-11Yona WeinbergMysterious Shadow, The
473Children's Ages 8-11Yona WeinbergDov Dov and the Man Who Forgot
474Children's Ages 8-11Dovid JuravelYid Cares, A
475Children's Ages 8-11Dovid JuravelYid Cares, Book 2, A
476Children's Ages 7-10Yaffa GanzTerrible Wonderful Day, The
477Children's Ages 7-10Yaffa GanzShuki's Upside - Down Dream
478Children's Ages 8-11Yaffa GanzDr. Emanuel J. Mitzva
479Children's Ages 7-10Menucha BeckermanTo Share With Love
480Children's Ages 7-10Menucha FuchsExploring the World, The Little Scientists
481Children's Ages 7-10Ruth ZakutinskyHouse That Shlomo Built, The
482Children's Ages 9-12Berel WeinRashi Hakadosh
483Children's Ages 9-12King for A Moment - Meyer's Secret
484Children'sShmuel BlitzArtscroll Children's Book of Yonah
485Children's Ages 7-10Arnold FineToo Many Toys
486Children's Ages 7-10Chaviva Krohn PfeifferMaggid Stories for Children
487Children's Ages 7-10Shmuel BlitzTreasury of Jewish Bedtime Stories, A
488Children's Ages 7-10Shmuel BlitzBedtime Stories of Jewish Values,
489Children's Ages 9-12Gadi PollackNever - Ending Tale, A
490Children's Ages 7-10Rifka SchonfeldMy Friend the Bully
491Children's Ages 9-12Tehilla DeutschBenny the Big Shot
492Children's Ages 7-10Chaim FinkelsteinTzvi Tells the Truth
493Children's Ages 9-12Joe KubertAdventures of Yaakov and Isaac, The
494Children's Ages 7-10Yitzy ErpsTell Me A Tale
495Children's Ages 9-12Zeev GreenwaldI Pray Every Day
496Children's Ages 9-12Shmuel BlitzSearch for the Stones, The
497Children's Ages 7-10Shimon BoxerMy First Book of Yonah
498Children's Ages 7-10Yaffa GanzSavta Simcha and the Incredible Shabbos Bag
499Children's Ages 7-10Hidden Treasures
500Children's Ages 7-10Genendel KrohnRabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
501children's ages 7-10S. ApelbaumMoshe Mendel the Mitzva Maven and the Wonderful World of Berachos
502YouthMiriam GrossmanWonder of Becoming You, The
503YouthMiriam WalfishPenina's Doll Factory
504YouthGershon KranzlerSeder In Herlin
505YouthGershon KranzlerSeder In Herlin
506YouthGershon KranzlerSecret Code, The
507YouthHedy FleischmannBittersweet Beginnings
508YouthHedy FleischmannBittersweet Beginnings
509YouthMalka TougerLet's Get Ready
510YouthRuth RozensteinFrontline Reporter
511YouthMiriam Stark ZakonJerusalem Diaries
512YouthShlomo Zalman SonnenfeldTales from Old Jerusalem
513YouthElana AronObstacle Illusions
514YouthElana AronObstacle Illusions
515YouthAdina Fischer KornbluthKaleidoscope
516YouthAdina Fischer KornbluthKaleidoscope
517YouthAdina Fischer KornbluthKaleidoscope
518YouthChayele KohaneHouse Full of Guests, A
519YouthChayele KohaneHouse Full of Guests, A
520YouthChayele KohaneHouse Full of Guests, A
522YouthBenzion FirerLong Journey Home, The
523YouthGrowing With Doniel!
524YouthJoseph NeppeChoices of Daniel Trigo (You Choose the Ending!), The
525ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Bereishis
526YouthG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Bereishis
527YouthG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Shmos
528YouthG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Vayikra
529YouthG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Bamidbar
530YouthNissan MindelWho What When Where
531YouthRaizy KesslerTreasures on the Shore
532YouthChaim WalderThat's Me, Tzviki Green!
533YouthChaim WalderThat's Me, Tzviki Green!
534YouthChaya Baila WeinfeldNew Beginnings
535YouthChaya Baila WeinfeldNew Beginnings
536YouthChaya Baila WeinfeldNew Beginnings
537YouthRivka Chaya BermanBina Gold - The Case of the Missing Money
538YouthRivka Chaya BermanBina Gold - The Case of the Missing Money
539YouthRivka Chaya BermanBina Gold - The Case of the Missing Money
540YouthEssie LewensteinBina Gold - The Case of the Lost Identity
541YouthRuchama King FeuermanBina Gold - The Secret of the Hotel Delarosa
542YouthBatya Swift YasgurTrail of the Stolen Gold, The
543YouthBina Gold - Mystery Collection - 3 In One
544YouthM.C. MillmanClassified Information - Suri
545YouthM.C. MillmanClassified Information - Yaffa
546YouthM.C. MillmanClassified Information - Baila
547YouthM.C. MillmanClassified Information - Baila
548YouthTziporah ElianDouble Trouble
549YouthTziporah ElianSecrets
550YouthTziporah ElianFriends Forever
551YouthCarol Korb HubnerTwisted Menora, The
552YouthCarol Korb HubnerTattered Tallis, The
553YouthMiriam Stark ZakonStars In Their Eyes
554YouthMiriam Stark ZakonDo - Gooders, The
555YouthMiriam Stark ZakonSummer Jobs
556YouthMiriam Stark ZakonThree In One - 4,5,6
557FictionLibby LazewinkJudge, The
558FictionM. BassaraSun Inside Rain
559FictionM. BassaraSun Inside Rain
560FictionChaim EliavPersecution, The
561FictionChaim EliavPersecution, The
562FictionAllison CohenScattered Pieces
563FictionDevora WeinerEscape to Reallity
564FictionRachel SchorrAutumn Rain
565FictionSudy RosengartenAmerican Saga, An
566FictionMiriam WalfishStars Will Guide You, The
567FictionEva VogielFour Seasons of Golda Mirel, The
568FictionEva VogielFour Seasons of Golda Mirel, The
569FictionEva VogielFour Seasons of Golda Mirel, The
570FictionMenucha Chana LevinYoungest Bride, The
571FictionTzipora PriceInto the Whirlwind
572FictionRuthie PearlmanCarers Ltd
573FictionLibby LazewinkSecret Accounts
574FictionRuth ArieliBarriers
575FictionRuth ArieliBarriers
576FictionLibby LazewinkFortune Seekers, The
577FictionLibby LazewinkFortune Seekers, The
578FictionEli ShekhterCross Walk
579FictionEli ShekhterPyramid Base
580FictionNachman SeltzerNetwork, The
581FictionAbraham J. TwerskiLight at the End of the Tunnel
582FictionShalom, AMusawi
583FictionS Z TresserTangled Vines
584FictionYehudis SchreiberLong to Belong
585FictionEva VogielFriend Or Foe
586FictionYehudis SchreiberWalking Together
587FictionYehudis SchreiberWalking Together
588FictionMenucha Chana LevinCastle Builders, The
589FictionUri RaskinCracks In the Wall
590FictionF B SambekIt Was Your Branch
591FictionSarah BirnhackSearch My Heart
592FictionChaim EliavRunaway, The
593FictionYair WeinstockCalculated Risk
594FictionDevora WeinerHearts of Gold
595FictionLibby LazewinkGive Me the Moon
596FictionLibby LazewinkGive Me the Moon
597FictionSarah BirnhackPromise Me Tomorrow
598FictionSarah KisnerChocolate Liqueur
599FictionRuthie PearlmanDark Tapestry
600FictionTzvi WhiteMidnight Jewels
601FictionSarah KisnerOasis
602FicitionLena SpitzerMy Rock and My Redeemer
603FictionMiriam L EliasWhat Avigail Found
604FictionM KenanBetrayal, The
605FictionM KenanBetrayal, The
606FictionDevorah RosenOff Limits
607FictionRuth BenjaminOn A Golden Chain
608FictionYair WeinstockBlackout
609FictionRuth BenjaminMusic of the Soul
610FictionRuth BenjaminYesrdays Child
611FictionChana Stavsky RubinTime to Live, A
612FictionLibby LazewinkForever and A Day
613FictionRachel PomerantzCrossing the Divide
614FictionBarbara BensoussanNew Song, A
615FictionEstie FloransConquer the Darkness
616FictionEli ShekhterBanker's Trust, The
617FictionRachel SchorrOne Flight Up
618Esti ShlangerAirmail to Amsterdam
619FictionEstie FloransLet Me Free
620FictionM C MillmanLocked In Time
621FictionRachel PomerantzCactus Blossoms
622FictionChaim EliavSpiders Web, The
623FictionS Z TresserTangled Vines
624FictionShoshana SchwartzIn Full Bloom
625YouthCarol Korb HubnerBroken Magen David, The
626YouthLeah KleinBatya's Search
627YouthLeah KleinParty Time
628YouthLeah KleinSummer Daze
629YouthLeah Klein"I Can't Cope Club", The
630YouthLeah Klein"I Can't Cope Club", The; The Treehouse Kids; Rivky's Great Idea
631YouthLeah KleinSarah's Room; Running Away; Teacher's Pet
632YouthShifra WeinbergGetting Acquainted
633YouthShifra WeinbergSearch Party Sunday
634YouthLibi AstaireDisappearing Dowry, The
635YouthLibi AstaireRuby Spy Ring, The
636YouthLibby M. KisznerDear Libby
637YouthRuth AbrahamsonKingston Castle, The
638YouthMalka TougerJust My Style
639YouthMiriam L EliasTwo Sides of A Coin
640YouthTzivia BloomDreams Come True Club, The
641YouthTzivia BloomDreams Come True Club, The
642YouthChanie AlteinGift of Friendship, The
643YouthChanie AlteinShining Star
644YouthChanie AlteinPuzzle Pieces
645YouthChanie AlteinPen of the Soul
646YouthMarcus LehmannRoyal Resident, The
647YouthMarcus LehmannJust In Time
648YouthMarcus Lehmann5 Novelettes
649YouthMarcus LehmannRabenu Gershom Meor Hagolah
650YouthGershon KranzlerChanan and His Violin
651YouthNissan MindelEight Chanukah Tales
652YouthGershon KranzlerCoachman, The
653YouthDovid Sholom PapeThree Gifts, The
654YouthDovid Sholom PapeWise Little Judge, The
655YouthY. HopkovitzSelected for You 3
656YouthAidel Pesel WajngortNa'ar Hayisi
657YouthAaron ZakkaiStories for Shauli
658YouthM C MillmanMind Your Own Business
659YouthS.J. RevichPoet and the Thief, The
660YouthS.J. RevichPoet and the Thief, The
661YouthS.J. RevichEzra the Physician
662YouthS.J. RevichEzra the Physician
663YouthS.J. RevichLion Tamer, The
664YouthS.J. RevichPrince and the Scholar, The
665YouthGershon WinklerSecret of Sambatyon, The
666YouthGershon WinklerHostage Torah, The
667YouthAvner GoldDream, The
668YouthM C MillmanColor War!
669YouthM C MillmanColor War!
670YouthM C MillmanIn the Spotlight!
671YouthM C MillmanTrumpet Trouble!
672YouthM C MillmanFace the Music!
673YouthM C MillmanGrand Finale!, The
674YouthCalanitte Kir-OnSecret In the Basement, The
675YouthCalanitte Kir-OnSecret In the Basement, The
676YouthCalanitte Kir-OnCave, The
677YouthCalanitte Kir-OnFake Mezuzah, The
678YouthCalanitte Kir-OnPrisoner on the Loose!
679YouthTamar WisemonY.A.D. Investigators 2
680YouthTamar WisemonY.A.D. Investigators 2
681YouthChaim WalderKids Speak 3
682YouthChaim WalderKids Speak
683YouthChaim WalderMore Kids Speak
684YouthChaim WalderKids Speak 5
685YouthChaim WalderOur Heroes
686YouthChaim WalderOur Heroes
687YouthChaim WalderOur Heroes 2
688YouthChaim WalderReal Kids 2
689Short StoriesYechiel SperoTouched by A Story 2
690Short StoriesYechiel SperoTouched by A Story 2
691Short StoriesYechiel SperoTouched by A Story
692Short StoriesYechiel SperoTouched by A Story
693YouthRebbe Speaks to Children Vol. 1: Elul - Adar, The
694YouthEhud TokatlyLost Children of Tarshish Book One, The
695YouthEhud TokatlyLost Children of Tarshish Book One, The
696YouthEhud TokatlyLost Children of Tarshish Book Two, The
697YouthMiriam Stark ZakonMeet Gemarakup
698YouthMiriam Stark ZakonLost on Skull Mountain
699YouthMiriam Stark ZakonGemarakup Strikes Again
700YouthMiriam Stark ZakonGemarakup Super Sleuth
701Children'sBaila OlidortJust Like Mommy
702Children'sMichoel MuchnikHershel's Houseboat
703childrenRikki BenenfeldI Go to School
704childrenRikki BenenfeldI Go Visiting
705childrenRikki BenenfeldI Goto the Doctor
706childrenRikki BenenfeldI Goto the Farm
707childrenRikki BenenfeldI Go to A Wedding
708childrenRikki BenenfeldLet's Go Shopping
709childrenLevi HodakovI Go to the Ohel
710childrenChana Rivka JacobsElimelech Wakes Up
711childrenR G CohenPlace That I Love, The
712childrenTzivia AdlerSefer Torah Parade, The
713childrenChaim KosofskyMuch Much Better
714childrenChaim KosofskyMuch Much Better
715childrenLeah Pearl ShollarShadow Play
716childrenLeah Pearl ShollarShadow Play
717childrenChana AlteinAleph Bais Trip on the Aleph Bais Ship, The
718childrenChana AlteinAleph Bais Trip on the Aleph Bais Ship, The
719childrenDeorah SchwebelTime for Torah
720childrenRikki BenenfeldLet's Go to Shul
721ChildrenEllen EmermanJust Right
722ChildrenDina RosenfeldWhy the Moon Only Glows
723ChildrenChana Rivka JacobsTake Care of Me
724ChildrenChaiky HalpernMihu the Detective
725childrenChaiky HalpernTh Dink That Stopped the Clock
726childrenAdel LebovicsWhat Will the World Be Like?
727ChildrenPerl ShollarKey Under the Pillow, The
728ChildrenDoba Rivka WeberDear Tree
729ChildrenYehudis LeiterSensitivity Please!
730ChildrenDina RosenfeldYossi and Laibel on the Ball
731ChildrenDina RosenfeldYossi and Laibel Hot on the Trail
732ChildrenDina RosenfeldYossi and Laibel Hot on the Trail
733ChildrenDina RosenfeldPeanut Butter and Jelly for Shabbos
734ChildrenDina RosenfeldLabels for Laibel
735ChildrenRuth FinkelsteinBig Like Me!
736ChildrenEllen EmermanIs It Shabbos Yet?
737ChildrenEllen EmermanDozen Daisies for Raizy, A
738ChildrenRochel SandmanPerfect Porridge
739ChildrenRochel SandmanPerfect Porridge
740ChildrenRochel SandmanPerfect Porridge
741ChildrenDraizy ZelcerMy Jewish A, B, C's
742ChildrenMiriam R KosmanRed, Blue and Yellow Yarn
743ChildrenDina RosenfeldKind Little Rivka
744ChildrenDina RosenfeldDovid the Little Shepherd
745ChildrenDina RosenfeldLittle Boy Named Avram, A
746ChildrenDina RosenfeldLittle Girl Named Miriam, A
747ChildrenDina RosenfeldLittle Boy Named Avram, A
748ChildrenDina RosenfeldLittle Girl Named Miriam, A
749ChildrenYaffa Leba GottleibMy Upsheren Book
750ChildrenLeah Perl ShollarThread of Kindness, A
751ChildrenLeah Perl ShollarThread of Kindness, A
752ChildrenPhyllis NutkisWhen the World Was Quiet
753ChildrenPhyllis NutkisWhen the World Was Quiet
754ChildrenDina RosenfeldFive Alive!
755ChildrenDina RosenfeldAll About Us
756ChildrenMayer BendetLost and Found Wallet, The
757ChildrenMayer BendetLost and Found Wallet, The
758ChildrenBracha GoetzInvisible Book, The
760ChildrenChani AlteinRina's Rainy Day
761ChildrenChana SharfsteinLittle Leaf, The
762ChildrenLeiba RimlerForgotten Bracha, The
763ChildrenLeiba RimlerForgotten Bracha, The
764ChildrenLeiba RimlerNegel Vasser Miracle, The
765ChildrenLeiba RimlerNegel Vasser Miracle, The
766ChildrenSuri FettmanMy Shabbos 1,2,3's
767ChildrenSuri FettmanMy Shabbos 1,2,3's
768ChildrenDina RosenfeldWhere Does Food Come from?
769ChildrenDina RosenfeldChanukah Story for Night Number Three, A
770ChildrenDina RosenfeldVery Best Book, The
771ChildrenMessody WeinbergerBirds
772ChildrenYael MermelsteinCar That Goes Far
773ChildrenGoldie ShulmanWay Too Much Challah Dough
774ChildrenBracha GoetzInvisible Book, The
775ChildrenDraizy ZelcerOnce Upon A Time
776ChildrenLeah BraunsteinWaiting Wall, The
777ChildrenTova MordechaiGoodnight My Friend Aleph
778ChildrenDraizy ZelcerMy Jewish A, B, C's
779ChildrenLeah Perl ShollarKey Under the Pillow, The
780ChildrenSterna CitronShlomo's Little Joke
781ChildrenSterna CitronShlomo's Little Joke
782ChildrenLieba RudolphBest Call of All, The
783ChildrenSashi FridmanLiving Letters, The
784ChildrenLoren HodesThirty One Cakes
785ChildrenJoni Klein-HiggerTen Tzedakah Pennies
786ChildrenRochel SandmanAs Big as an Egg
787ChildrenRochel Groner VorstSuccah That I Built, The
788ChildrenRochel Groner VorstSuccah That I Built, The
789ChildrenRisa RotmanDov's Mitzvah
790ChildrenAdel LebovicsWhat Will the World Be Like
791ChildrenF PertzigMesses of Dresses
792ChildrenRisa RotmanFit for A Princess
793ChildrenShifra H GettingerVery Special Gift, A
794ChildrenMarci StillermanNine Spoons
795YouthGershon KranzlerReunionn, The
796YouthGershon KranzlerGlass Blower of Venice, The
797YouthY. HopkovitzSelected for You 4
798YouthSukey Stavsky GrossPassport to Russia
799YouthSukey Stavsky GrossSecret Diary, The
800YouthSukey Stavsky GrossSilent Summer, The
801YouthGershon KranzlerSilver Matzoth, The
802YouthEliezer GevirtzMystery of the Missing Bar Mitzva Gift, The
803YouthGalila Ben - UriDark Island
804YouthAryeh Leib BroderBenny's Dream
805YouthAryeh Leib BroderBenny's Dream
806YouthAryeh Leib BroderBenny's Dream
807YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Av - Elul, A
808YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Sivan - Tammuz, A
809YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Nissan - Iyar, A
810YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Shevat - Adar, A
811YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Shevat - Adar, A
812YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Kislev - Teves, A
813YouthG. SoferStory A Day: Kislev - Teves, A
814YouthYona WeinbergDiamond Bird, The
815YouthSimcha GroffmanAwesome Days
816YouthMiriam L EliasFamilies, Etc.
817YouthMiriam L EliasAnd Then There Were Four
818YouthEva VogielProblem Called Chavi, A
819YouthNathan SternfeldAdventures With Rebbe Mendel
820YouthNathan SternfeldAdventures With Rebbe Mendel
821YouthNathan SternfeldAll About Motti
822YouthNathan SternfeldAll About Motti
823YouthNathan SternfeldSecret of the Red Pearl, The
824YouthNathan SternfeldSecret of the Red Pearl, The
825YouthNathan SternfeldHome on the Hill, A
826YouthNathan SternfeldRebbe Mendel In A Class by Himself
827YouthYaakov Meir StraussThree Special Days
828YouthYaakov Meir StraussKing's Special Loaves, The
829YouthSarah Chana RadcliffeTeen Esteem
830YouthSarah Chana RadcliffeTeen Esteem
831ChildrenDina RosenfeldKing In the Field, The
832ChildrenDina RosenfeldKing In the Field, The
833Yiddish/ HebrewSippurei Yetizyas Mitzrayim
834Yiddish/ HebrewMegilas Esther
835Yiddish/ HebrewBezechusa Shel Emunah
836Children'sGenendel KrohnVery Best Gift, The
837Children'sGenendel KrohnWho Is the Builder?
838Yiddish/ HebrewGenendel KrohnAh Geshank Fun Himmel
839Yiddish/ HebrewDraizy ZelcerLa Bonne Heure, A
840Yiddish/ HebrewSimchas Hachayim
841ChildrenEllen EmermanIz Es Shoin Shabbos?
842Yiddish/ HebrewDer Middos Velt - Chelek Bais
843Yiddish/ HebrewDer Middos Velt - Chelek Aleph
844Non- FictionChaya Malka AbramsonWho by Fire
845FictionRuth HaleviMaelstrom
846FictionEsther TokerCheckmate
847Children's Ages 7-10Michoel MuchnikCuckoo Clock Castle of Shir, The
848Non- FictionMiriam CohenDaughter of Two Mother, A
849FictionRuth Arieli RapaportPrisoner of His Mind
850FictionEtka Gitel SchwartzShortchanged
851FictionChayele KohaneBeyond the Cobwebs
852FictionAvner GoldLong Road Home, The
853FictionDavid SussmanSquare Peg
854FictionYael MermelsteinSecond Chances
855FictionChaim GreenbaumMexico File, The
856Yiddish/HebrewDer Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder - Gimmel: Bereshis, Shemos, Vayikra
857Yiddish/HebrewDer Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder - Daled: Bamidbar, Devarim
858Yiddish/HebrewDer Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder - Hey
859Yiddish/HebrewShmussen Mit Kinder Un Yungdt: 258-294
860Yiddish/HebrewShmussen Mit Kinder Un Yungdt: 443-479
861Yiddish/HebrewShmussen Mit Kinder Un Yungdt: 517-554
862Children'sElla AdlerDonny and Deeny K'teeny Help the King
863Children'sMindy ShapiroSay It With Zest
864Children'sNosson SchermanReb Yitzchak's Jewel - Rashi's Father Gets A Reward
865Children'sYaffa GanzSuccos With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
866Children'sYaffa GanzRosh Hashana With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
867Children'sYaffa GanzYom Kippur With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
868Children'sYaffa GanzChanukah With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
869Children'sYaffa GanzPesach With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
870Children'sYaffa GanzShavuos With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
871Children'sTanya MichalWhy Weren't You Zisha? And Other Stories
872Children'sTsivia YanofskyTake Me to the Holy Land
873Children'sYussie and Esther FingererWheat Kernel, The
874Children'sShmuel KundaBoruch Learns About Pesach
875Children'sEileen GreeneBut I'm Just A Little Bird
876Children'sGetzelStonecutter Who Wanted to Be Rich, The
877youthStory With Rabbi Juravel 1 - Shabbos Stories, A
878YouthMenucha FuchsChatzkel, Mendel and Me
879YouthSadie Rose WeilerstienTen and A Kid
880YouthChaim FinkelsteinBurksfield Bike Club 2 - Lost and Found
881YouthChaim FinkelsteinBurksfield Bike Club 2 - Lost and Found
882YouthChaim FinkelsteinBurksfield Bike Club 3 - Builders on Bikes
883YouthLibby LazewinkTop Secret, Part 1
884YouthLibby LazewinkSecond Secret, Part 2, The
885YouthLibby LazewinkSecret Revealed, Part 3, The
886YouthGershon KranzlerBroken Bracelet, The
887YouthGershon KranzlerBroken Bracelet, The
888YouthN. BraunRoom 210
889YouthN. BraunRoom 210
890Tatz, AkivaThinking Jewish Teenager's Guide to Life, The
891YouthA. ShalomThrough the Flames of Aleppo
892YouthMiriam WalfishJewel and the Journey, The
893YouthAidel SteinMystery of the Rich Uncle, The
894YouthPessie Frankel and Yocheved Leah PerkalMrs Honig's Cakes 1
895YouthShayna MeiselsBat Mitzvah Club, Debbie's Story, The
896PeriodicalsZman Magazine Cheshvan 5771
897MiscellaneousNatan Hurvitz and Aharon Yosef HoffmanBook of Amazing Facts and Feats, The
898Non- FictionB. BergerTransfused With Hope
899Non- FictionB. BergerTransfused With Hope
900Non- FictionEmanuel FeldmanTales Out of Shul
901Non- FictionEmanuel FeldmanTales Out of Shul
902Tough TimesRiva PomerantzBreaking Free
903Short StoriesChaim WalderListen to the Soul
904Short StoriesChaim WalderSubject to Change
905Marvelous Mix Up
906YouthMeir Uri GottesmanFace at the Window, A
907Short StoriesMiriam R. KosmanStepping Stones
908Short StoriesChaim WalderPeople Speak 3
909Short StoriesChaim WalderPeople Speak 3
910Short StoriesChaim WalderSubject to Change
911Short StoriesChaim WalderListen to the Soul
912Short StoriesChaim WalderBehind the Mask
913Short StoriesChaim WalderBehind the Mask
914Non fictionYehudis BogatzNo Different Than You - Shevi's Story
915Non- FictionMiriam DanskyEncore
916Non- FictionRivkah L. JacobsPieces of the Puzzle
917HalachaShmuel Neiman9: 00 to 5: 00 A Guide to Modest Conduct for Today's Workplace
918Malka AdlerMiracle Next Door, The
919Non- FictionGoldy RosenbergClouds of Glory
920Non- FictionNaomi MeyerJourney With Joshua, The
921Non- FictionShea HechtConfessions of A Jewish Cultbuster
922BiographyAvigail MyzlikEscape from India
923biographyYonason RosenblumRabbi Sherer
924PregnancyYisroel Dov WebsterHalachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth
925Children'sGetzelThen I Got 3 Scoops
926Children'sChana NestlebaumMookster's Mitzvah Mishaps, The
927Children'sLeibel EstrinMan Who Rode With Eliyahu Hanavi, The
928Children'sMimi WeinfeldFunny Friday
929Non- FictionEliyahu KitovSharp as A Needle
930ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Bereishis
931ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Shmos
932ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Vayikra
933ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Bamidbar
934ParshaG. MatovTales of Tzaddikim - Devarim
935Short StoriesYair WeinstockHoliday Tales for the Soul
936Short StoriesYair WeinstockHoliday Tales for the Soul
937Short StoriesYair WeinstockTales for the Soul
938Short StoriesYair WeinstockTales for the Soul 4
939Short StoriesYair WeinstockTales for the Soul 4
940Short StoriesYair WeinstockMore Tales for the Soul
941Short StoriesYair WeinstockOnce Upon A Story
942Short StoriesSeryl SanderTimes of Challenge
943Short StoriesEliyahu KitovSharp as A Needle
944Short StoriesEliyahu KitovIn the Lion's Den
945Short StoriesSerenade the King
946Short StoriesMiriam ZakonFiction
947Short StoriesBaruch LevThere Is No Such Thing as Coincindence
948Short StoriesZev RothMonsey Kiryat Sefer Express, The
949short StoriesJodi JakobWith Help from Above
950Short StoriesMalka TougerExcuse Me, Are You Jewish
951Short StoriesMalka TougerExcuse Me, Are You Jewish
952Short StoriesDovid GoldwasserLiving on the Edge
953Short StoriesG. ShafferInside Story, The
954Children'sRuth FinkelsteinDo You Know What I'm Going to Be?
955HistoryRivky WeinstockTwice Buried, Still Alive
956Short StoriesHalberstam, Yitta; Leventhal, JudithSmall Miracles for the Jewish Heart: 
957Short StoriesHalberstam, Yitta; Leventhal, JudithSmall Miracles for the Jewish Heart: 
958Short StoriesSheindel WeinbachSalt, Pepper and Eternity
959Short StoriesPesach and Chana BurstonChicken Soup to Warm the Neshama
960Short StoriesSamet, Rebbetzin Yehudis; Samet, YehudisIt Wasn't How It Seemed
961Short StoriesHalberstam, Yitta; Leventhal, JudithSmall Miracles for the Jewish Heart: 
962HolocaustKranzler, DavidHolocaust Hero
963biographyTaylor, DerekSolomon Schonfeld: A Purpose In Life
965HolocuastKorobkin, Frieda StolzbergThrow Your Feet Over Your Shoulders: Beyond the Kindertransport
966HolocaustFran LauferVow Fulfilled: The Fran Laufer Story: Memories and Miriacles, A
967FictionEsti ShlangerWatch Your Step
968FictionSeltzer, NachmanEdge, The
969FictionVogiel, EvaFacing the Music
970FictionYehudis SchreiberNot Guilty
971FictionDevorah RosenYellow Notebook, The
972FictionSeltzer, NachmanShadows, The
973FictionLeah FriedFamily Matters
974HolocaustEsther FarbstienForgotten Memoirs, The
975HolocaustGershon WeissHolocaust Haggadah - Foundations of Our Faith, The
976HolocaustPaldiel, Mordecai; Wiesel, Elie; Gutman, Israel; Shalev, AvnerRighteous Among the Nations, The: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust
977Short StoriesEsther SternJust One Word. Amein
978Short StoriesVogiel, EvaDistant Cousins and Other Stories of Courage and Inspiration
979Short StoriesChana WeisbergDivine Whispers
980YouthLibby LazewinkBurgler, And Other Stories, The
981short storiesPaysach KrohnMaggid Speaks, The
982short storiesPaysach KrohnMaggid Speaks, The
983All About You
984short storiesPaysach KrohnIn the Footsteps of the Maggid
985short storiesPaysach KrohnEchoes of the Maggid
986short storiesPaysach KrohnEchoes of the Maggid
987short storiesPaysach KrohnAlong the Maggid's Journey
988short storiesPaysach KrohnAlong the Maggid's Journey
989short storiesPaysach KrohnReflections of the Maggid
990short storiesPaysach KrohnIn the Spirit of the Maggid
991YouthMiriam L EliasClassic Trio, A - 3 Books In 1
992Short StoriesChaim WalderPeople Speak 2
993Short StoriesZe vin, Shelomoh YosefTreasury of Chassidic Tales on the Torah, A
994Inspiration/ Self- HelpTwerski, Abraham J.Thin You Within You, The
995Short StoriesSudy RosengartenOnion for the Doctor and Other Stories, An
996short StoriesSamet, YehudisOther Side of the Story, The
997Short StoriesYanki TauberOnce Upon A Chassid
998Short StoriesZe vin, Shelomoh YosefTreasury of Chassidic Tales on the Torah, A-Bereshis and Shemos
999short StoriesSamet, YehudisOther Side of the Story, The
1000Short StoriesMeir WiklerEinei Hashem
1001Inspiration/ Self- HelpTwerski, Abraham J.Do Unto Others
1002Inspiration/ Self- HelpGoldman, ChavaHow to Succeed on Any Diet!: A Jewish and Friendly Guide to Dieting and Exercise
1003Children's Ages 7-10ZwebnerUh! Oh! Jewish Holidays
1004Children's Ages 7-10ZwebnerUh! Oh! Jewish Holidays
1005Children's Ages 7-10ZwebnerUh! Oh! Jewish Holidays
1006FictionDevora WeinerSilent Dreams
1007FictionRochel IstrinSearching
1008YouthLibby Lazewink3 Cheers for Shira!
1009YouthChaim WalderKids Speak 6 - Through Fire and Water
1010FictionLanger, ElkyShades of Gray
1011Children's Ages 7-10Shmuel BlitzBedtime Stories to Make You Smile
1012FictionTzipi CatonInvisible Me
1013YouthSara WiederblankSave Our School
1014YouthEva VogielLight for Greytowers, A
1015ChildrenNechama Dina AdelmanBedtime
1016YouthLazewnik, LibbyEnchanted Circle, The
1017FictionMiriam KosmanFamily for A While
1018YouthFaigie NewmanIf Only
1019Short StoriesBronshtain, Yisra'el Yosef Ben Moshe; Gelbein, MosheJewish Parables: A Mashal for Every Occasion
1020Short StoriesWonders and Miracles - Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
1021Short StoriesWonders and Miracles - Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Vol. II
1022Short StoriesLubavitcher Rebbe Shlita, The
1023Short StoriesChassidic Gems
1024Short StoriesLesches, ElchononThird Judge, The: And Other Stories of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn, 
1025Short StoriesBoruch BrullFor Goodness' Sake
1026FictionChaiky HalpernHouse on Kyverdale Road, The
1027Non FictionAaron ChazanDeep In the Russian Night
1028FictionLena SpitzerWinds of Change, The
1029children'sYaffa Leba GottleibSerach's Song
1030HolocaustMichael BerenbaumWitness to the Holocaust
1031PeriodicalsZman Magazine Kislev 5771
1032YouthLeah KleinOperation Firestorm Part I - Fire!
1033YouthLibby LazewinkOn the Road and Other Stories
1034HolocaustMalky WeinstockAngel of Orphans
1035Shabbos and Yom TovSimcha Bunim CohenRadiance of Shabbos, The
1036Short StoriesAvraham BarashGut Voch
1037Non fictionElla KatzHeartstrings
1038short storiesPaysach KrohnEchoes of the Maggid
1039Short StoriesSerenade the King
1040Children'sYaffa GanzLag B'omer and Tu B'shevat With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
1041Children'sYaffa GanzTisha B'av - The Four Fasts With Bina, Benny and Chaggai Hayonah
1042Children'sYaffa Leba GottleibEentzy Weentzy Hider, The
1043Short StoriesMeir WiklerZorei'a Tzedakos
1044Short StoriesBlima Deutsch SilvermanOnce Upon America
1045Short StoriesNaftali Greenbaum/ Sharon GelbachWorld's Three Pillars - The Love of Kindness, The
1046Short StoriesM. FrankelTaryag Tales - 613 Stories Based on the Taryag Mitzvos - Vol. 2
1047BiographyAvi ShafranMigrant Soul
1048short StoriesChaya Baila WeinfeldBreath of Fresh Air and Other Stories, A
1049short StoriesDovid SearsChassid's Journey and Other Breslover Tales, A
1050Short StoriesSheindel WeinbachFriendly Persuader and Other Stories, The
1051Short StoriesYedalel MeltzerPeople from the Lands of the Living
1052Short StoriesYisroel Pesach SochertovSon, Come Back and Other Stories
1053Short StoriesYisroel Pesach SochertovRun for Your Life! And Other Stories
1054YouthSara SternSmile for Sammy, A
1055YouthSara SternSmile for Sammy, A
1056Short StoriesYisroel Pesach SochertovNo Taxes, Please! And Other Stories
1057Short StoriesYaakov FruchterBest of Olomeinu - Book One - Stories for All Year Round, The
1058Short StoriesYaakov FruchterBest of Olomeinu - Book Three - Chanukah and Other Stories, The
1059BiographyYonoson RosenblumRav Dessler
1060BiographyShimon Finkelman5 Great Lives
1061BiographyYaakov Dovid ShulmanRambam - Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, The
1062BiographyYaakov Dovid ShulmanRamban - Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman, The
1063Short StoriesAbraham J. TwerskiNot Just Stories
1064Short StoriesAbraham J. TwerskiNot Just Stories
1065Short StoriesA.M. AmitzWell - Put! 2
1066Short StoriesA.M. AmitzWell - Put! 2
1067Short StoriesSusan M. TenenbaumHeart and Soul
1068Short StoriesSusan M. TenenbaumHeart and Soul
1069Short StoriesSusan M. TenenbaumHeart and Soul
1070Short StoriesTeller, HanochBostoner, The
1071Short StoriesTeller, HanochHey Taxi!: Tales Told in Taxies and Recounted by Cabbies
1072Short StoriesTeller, HanochSouled!
1073Short StoriesTeller, HanochPichifkes
1074Short StoriesTeller, HanochOnce Upon a Soul
1075Short StoriesTeller, HanochCourtrooms of the Mind
1076Short StoriesTeller, HanochSoul Survivors
1077Short StoriesTeller, HanochCourtrooms of the Mind
1078short StoriesTeller, HanochAbove the Bottom Line
1079short StoriesTeller, HanochAbove the Bottom Line
1080Short StoriesYocheved SegalOur Sages Showed Us the Way-Vol. 2
1081Short StoriesYocheved SegalOur Sages Showed Us the Way-Vol. 1
1082Short StoriesYocheved SegalOur Sages Showed Us the Way-Vol. 5
1083Short StoriesDovid KaplanImpact!
1084Short StoriesS. HermanStories of the Nach, The
1085Anna GotleibIn Other Words
1086Different Dimension, A
1087Inspiration/ Self- HelpShmuel Dov EisenblattStraight Road to Happiness, The
1088Short StoriesHaderech Book 3
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1090Short StoriesHaderech Book 1
1091Short StoriesHaderech Book 5
1092Short StoriesNaftoli GottliebMy Brother's Keeper Vol. 1
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1094Short StoriesNaftoli GottliebMy Brother's Keeper Vol. II
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1099Short StoriesSheryl PrenzlauEverything Under the Sun
1100YouthSheryl PrenzlauEverything Under the Sun
1101Short StoriesS.B. UnsdorferStories of Simcha
1102Short StoriesRaizy KesslerTreasures on the Shore
1103BiographyM. SoferRampart of Fire
1104Short StoriesSolomon Alter HalpernPrisoner and Other Tales of Faith, The
1105BiographyShimon FinkelmanReb Chaim Ozer
1106BiographyHanoch TellerSunset
1107HistoryDovid SedleyEleh Ezkera
1108On Bus Stops Bakers and Beggars
1109PeriodicalsZman Magazine Tamuz 5770
1110Parnas, The
1111PeriodicalsZman Magazine Nissan 5770
1112PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Sivan-Tamuz 5768
1113tough TimesShaul WagschalHalochos of Aveilus
1114FictionEli ShekhterMost Wanted List, The
1115FictionRuthie PearlmanMaking It Last
1116Teacher's RecourcesZev Yehuda ShainSpeak of Hashem's Wonders
1117Teacher's RecourcesEliezer WengerChagaynu Vol. 4
1118PeriodicalsZman Magazine Sivan 5771
1119PeriodicalsZman Magazine Tamuz 5771
1120FictionRuth Arieli RapaportPrisoner of His Mind
1121FictionRoy S. Neuberger2020 Vision
1122Short StoriesG. SoferStory A Day: Nissan - Iyar, A
1123short storiesG. SoferStory A Day: Kislev - Teves, A
1124Parenting/ chinuchDovid KaplanPerfecting Diamonds
1125Parenting/ chinuch1001 T.I.P.S. - Timely Insights and Parenting Strategies
1126HolocaustRachel HerczlIn the Shadow of Life
1127PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Nissan-Iyar 5763
1128PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Shevat-Adar 5769
1129PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Sivan-Tamuz 5770
1130PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Kislev-Teves 5769
1131PeriodicalsNshei Chabad Newsletter Nissan-Iyar 5769
1132FictionLena SpitzerWinds of Change, The
1133BiographyMarcus LehmannRabbi Joselman of Rosheim, Vol 1
1134BiographyMarcus LehmannRabbi Joselman of Rosheim, Vol 2
1135Inspiration/ Self HelpRuth BenjaminHow to Turn Your Snakes Into Ladders
1136Chasing Illusisions
1137short storiesChaim WalderPeople Without Masks
1138PregnancyYosef YaffeAshrei Yoladeto
1139Short StoriesChaim WalderPeople Speak 5
1140BiographyGray, AhuvahMy Sister, The Jew
1141BiographyGray, AhuvahGifts of A Stranger
1142Tough TimesM.L. CramerFacing Adversity With Faith
1143HolocaustLau, Israel Meir; Peres, Shimon; Wiesel, ElieOut of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald 
1144FictionEva VogielFriend Or Foe
1145FictionDavid SussmanAlter Ego
1146FictionYair WeinstockTime Bomb
1147FictionRena SchiffMy Special Brother
1148FictionYair WeinstockGordian Knot, The
1149FictionYair WeinstockCalculated Risk
1150Short StoriesSudy RosengartenOnion for the Doctor and Other Stories, An
1151FictionDeborah GuttentagSaving Soraya
1152FictionLibby LazewinkForever and A Day
1153FictionShaindy TraubePassing the Test
1154Marriage/Family LifeLeah FriedTightrope
1155Short storiesEliyahu TougerTo Know and to Care Vol. 2
1156YouthGottesman, Meir UriChaimkel the Dreamer
1157Short StoriesAvraham MeizlishChasidic Stories Made In Heaven
1158Short StoriesBarash, AvrohomMazeldig Voch, A: A Treasury of Inspiring Stories about Tzaddikim
1159Shabbos/ Yom TovYehuda SteinbergHarvest of Kindness - Megilas Rus
1160Children's Ages 7-10Pia WolcowitzOne-Of-A - Kind Yanky and Other Stories
1161YouthLibby LazewinkBuried Treasure and Other Stories
1162Children's Ages 8-11Yona WeinbergDov Dov and the Man and the Last Coin
1163Children's Ages 7-10Pia WolcowitzOne-Of-A - Kind Yanky and Other Stories
1164YouthBatya Swift YasgurBina Gold - The Trail of the Stolen Gold
1165MoshiachFriedman, Eli[mi-Golah Li-Ge Ulah] = from Exile to Redemption
1166Short StoriesSeeker of Slumbering Souls
1167Pirkei AvosMarcus LehmannLehmann - Prins Pirkei Avoth, The
1168Teacher's ResourcesYitzhak FrankGrammar for Gemara
1169Shabbos/ Yom TovZlotowitz, Rabbi Meir; Zlotowitz, MeirYom Kippur-Its Significance, Laws, And Prayers: 
1170Shabbos/ Yom TovFinkelman, ShimonShabbos
1171The Jewish WomanNechoma Greisman Anthology, The
1172The Jewish WomanJulie HauserMothers to Mothers
1173HaggadahsHirsch, Samson RHirsch Haggadah
1174Short StoriesAharon Dov HalperinOur Man In Dakar and Other Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
1175Spektor, ZevShadows In the Night
1176Steinsaltz, AdinLong Shorter Way
1177ParshaAryeh Leib LopianskyShabbos Delights
1178Short StoriesWikler, MeirAishel
1179Short StoriesPaysach KrohnAround the Maggid's Table
1180HistoryAvigdor MillerTorah Nation